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Llama-Scores News Archive
July 2004 - September 2004

26th September 2004
A Couple Of Updates

A couple of updates to the Guwange and Kung Fu Master high-score tables.

19th September 2004
The Grand Finale

That's it then. Another Season done and dusted.

Thanks to everyone who's taken part over the last 10 weeks, without you this Lleague would (obviously) not exist.

Here are the winners and losers from the Llamasoft Lleague :: Season 9.

Flossie's Flock
1st - Mr Anderson
2nd - Barra
3rd - Mayhem

These 3 players are the best of the best. We salute them!

Shaggy's Flock
1st - Numpsy
2nd - PaulEMoz
3rd - sarabob

These 3 players are now tupped into Flossie's Flock as of next Season. Do us proud lads.

Ginger's Flock
1st - Dragst
2nd - RiC
3rd - Geenius

These 3 players are also tupped, but into Shaggy's Flock. It won't be too long before they're troubling the top sheep I reckon. ;)

Of course, there's always a downside, and the following people just haven't cut the mustard in their respective flocks and are therefore going to be fleeced.

Narf, SiKrAiKeN and TMK are now relegated to Shaggy's Flock. While DocDaneeka, andym00 and SeattleStokie are relegated to Ginger's Flock.

Must. Try. Harder. ;)

As the winner of Flossie's Flock, Mr Anderson has selected his Champion's Choice game to tide us over until the start of next Season.

So, get your arse in gear and have a free-for-all bash at Metro-Cross (MAME - Set 1).

NB: Over the next week, da management will be checking people's availability for the next Season, and therefore there could be minor alterations to the Flock memberships. Full details of Flock membership will be posted before the start of the next Season though.

12th September 2004
A Glitch In The Matrix

Due to a bit of a glitch, I've been unable to get Yak's game selection for Week 10 of the Lleague. Therefore I've taken the liberty of selecting a classic Llamasoft game in his stead.

So the final week of the Llamasoft Lleague - Season 9 is Hover Bovver (Commodore 64).

5th September 2004
He Will Be Pleased

Yep, after nominating the same game since time immemorial, everklear's choice has finally been drawn out of the proverbial hat.

This week's game is Wizard Of Wor (MAME), chosen by everklear.

29th August 2004
Raising The Dead

This week's game is Necromancer (Atari 800), chosen by Fuseball.

22nd August 2004

This week's game is Wonder Boy (MAME) , chosen by Zen-Chan.

15th August 2004
The Lleague Continues

Back to shooting shit at shit and blowing shit up this week with Giga Wing (MAME), chosen by rowan.

8th August 2004
Chucking Reggs

Our first BBC Micro game this week, with Chuckie Egg, chosen by datassette.

As it's out first time playing a BBC game, I've added a quick model-b tutorial to the Emulation FAQ section

6th August 2004

Reset the Deadeye (PC) high-score table, as the new demo is out now and available at Way of the Rodent.

1st August 2004
Dinosaurs Ate My Cadillac?

Having had our fill of zombies, we now move on to dinosaurs driving cadillacs... or something like that.

This week's game is Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (MAME), chosen by Zotmeister.

30th July 2004
Tempest 3000

A little update with a new Tempest 3000 score from hairy_pete. Is there noone who can catch him? ;)

25th July 2004
From Frogs To Zombies

This week's game is Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES), chosen by jezzace.

19th July 2004
Flock Expansion

OK, due to the amount of new players, we have created another Flock to make sure everyone get's at least some chance of getting some points.

Shaggy's Flock now becomes the 2nd division containing the top 9 players from Shaggy's last Season, plus those players relegated from Flossie's. The new flock is called Ginger's Flock and picks up the remainder of players.

Now you have to battle through two divisions to become a member of Flossie's Flock.

NB: A problem has been discovered with the disk images for this week's game. An alternate set has been found and you can get from the usual place.

18th July 2004
Frogger... Kinda...

We've been inundated with new players in the Lleague this week. It's really fucking ace!

Let's hope everyone stays, then we might need to look at adding a new Flock for next Season.

Anyway, I got jammy and my game selection came up this week. It's Superfrog (Amiga). A llovely cutesy platformer from the Team 17 boys.

11th July 2004
Shooting Up

The game for the first week of Season 9 is Guwange (MAME), chosen by andym00.

This game looks mental...

9th July 2004
Gearing Up

I've been getting ready for the start of Season 9 on Sunday, so we now have the current game nomination llist up in the Lleague section of the site.

We have had 40 nominations so far!