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Llama-Scores News Archive
April 2004 - June 2004

29th June 2004
Champion's Choice

Mr Anderson has chosen Tiger Heli (MAME - US) to be the game played between Seasons.

27th June 2004
Season Finale

That's it then, the end of the Llamasoft Lleague :: Season 8.

We have tied positions in the top three in both Flossie's and Shaggy's which have been resolved in the following ways:

In Flossie's flock, CharlieF beats Temjin to Bronze as he has three Gold Medals to Temjin's two. Better luck next time Temjin.

In Shaggy's flock, SiKrAiKeN beats andym00 to Bronze as he has the highest non-medal position results (andym00 has two 1st's, one 3rd, one 5th & one 6th place. Whereas SiKrAiKeN has two 1st's, one 3rd, one 4th & one 7th place). Better luck next time andym00.

So the final placements are as follows:

Flossie's Flock :: 1st - Mr Anderson, 2nd - Mayhem, 3rd - CharlieF

Shaggy's Flock :: 1st - Narf, 2nd - RuggedKentishman, 3rd - SiKrAiKeN

This means that Narf, RuggedKentishman & SiKrAiKeN are to be tupped into Flossie's for next Season. Congrats.

Of course, with pleasure also comes pain, and the certain people have not performed up to scratch in Flossie's and will therefore be fleeced and demoted to Shaggie's flock for next Season. ;)

Those unfortunates are Numpsy, PaulEMoz & SeattleStokie. Let's see if they manage to claw their way back up next Season. :)

Many thanks to all our players who took part. Without you lot I'd have free time on my Sunday evenings. ;)

Thanks also to the other members of the Llamascores Admin Team, Elizian and nitebycandlelite who, as always, performed sterling work keeping on top of things and pointing out my mistakes (and occasionally contributing mistakes of their own).

We're collecting nominations for next Season, which will start in a couple of weeks time (exact date to be confirmed). So submit you game choices ASAP, and if you feel the need to compete in the time off there's always Sickboy's Summer Ollympics going on.

P.S. I've also updated the Tempest 3000 high-score table with a new entry from moobaa.

26th June 2004
Back In The Saddle Again

I'm back, and I've caught up with the last two Lleague weeks.

I've also updated the Spheres Of Chaos and Llamatron high-score tables with new entries from rowan and moobaa respectively.

11th June 2004
Updates and Absences

I'd got behind a bit with a few high-score table updates, so tonight I caught up with the lot of them (hopefully). Let me know if I've missed anything...

Updated the Deadeye (PC), Ikaruga (GameCube), Robotron (MAME), Llamatron (Atari ST), Tempest 3000 (Nuon) and Hover Bovver 2 (PC) high-score tables.

Please note that I will be on holiday for a couple of weeks from this Sunday, and therefore Llamascores won't be updated until I get back.

Don't worry though, Elizian and nitebycandlelite are still going to be doing their sterling work of running the day-to-day Lleague business.

6th June 2004
Aargh! Bee Attack!

Horrible buzzy things will be causing problems for the Lleague players this week in Donkey Kong 3 (MAME), chosen by fflip.

30th May 2004

Heading into Week 7 of Season 8, and this week's game is New Rally X (MAME), chosen by TMK.

Also, added a Game Credits page detailing those game authors who have supported Llamascores by giving us permission to host copies of their old games.

27th May 2004
It's Cock-up Time...

Due to an administrative cock-up, I've only just tonight been able to update last week's Lleague scores.

Due to another cock-up, there's also a delayed score entry for Warblade (PC) from Browney.

Apologies all round from the Llamasoft Lleague admin team.

23rd May 2004
Really Pissed Off Spheroids

This week's game is Mega-Apocalypse (Commodore 64), chosen by Mayhem. Basically it's a souped up version of Mad Planets with stonking music from Rob Hubbard.

Funnily enough, I'm actually on the built in Galactic High-Score Table as I entered a competition in C&VG back in the day and got a trip up to Londinium for the day, and the opportunity to take part in an inter-magazine competition on a pre-release version. Funny thing was I never used to read C&VG (only bought a copy to enter the competition) and was rooting for the Zzap!64 boys to win. Of course Zzap!64 won, they had Julian Rignall playing for them. ;)

Anywhere, here is a screenshot with my moment of glory in all it's... umm... glory. ;)

16th May 2004
"At friggin' last!" - Elizian (maybe)

Elizian will be a happy chap this week. The game he's steadfastly nominated for the last 8 Seasons has finally been drawn.

So this week it's 3D Deathchase on the ZX Spectrum.

12th May 2004
The Shepherd Arrives

Not content with being a nice chap and allowing us to host a copy of One Man And His Droid for download (non-commercial usage only). The author of the game, Clive Brooker, has also been helping out with hints and tips.

9th May 2004
Get Down Shep

A bit of herding this week with One Man And His Droid (Atari 800), chosen by Krunk.

3rd May 2004
Schitzoid Rotary Sprintmaster

Added a couple of stonking Hover Bovver 2 (PC) scores from eb and Salty.

2nd May 2004
Cock Man

Rock Man proved a little unpopular. Let's hope this week's game fairs better. It's Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (MAME - US 960620), chosen by Mr Anderson.

25th April 2004
Another Lleague First

After hairy_pete's astonishing 2.5million Q*bert score, we have the first appearance of a Commodore VIC 20 game in the Lleague: Rock Man, chosen by Tepic.

20th April 2004
More Robotron

Sickboy claims the first position in the Robotron 2084 (Arcade) high-score table with a fantastic 1.5 million score.

I wonder how long it will be until gravy reclaims his crown?

19th April 2004

Updated the R-Type Champion's Choice high-score table, and also the Deflex and Hover Bovver II high-score tables.

18th April 2004
Season 8 Begins

That's right, Season 8 begins tonight at 21:30 BST, and the first game is Q*bert (MAME - US Set 1), chosen by hairy_pete.

Here's to another 10 weeks of quality competition! I wonder if what surprises we have in store?

12th April 2004
Champion's Choice

As winner of Flossie's Flock, Mr Anderson gets to choose a Champion's Choice game for everyone to play this week to fill the gap between Seasons.

He's chosen R-Type (MAME - Japan), so get those fire button fingers working.

11th April 2004
Another Season bites the dust

Season 7 is now complete and the Winners/Losers are as follows:

In Shaggy's Flock, Temjin takes the Gold, Barra takes the Silver and Zotmeister takes the Bronze. These three players are henceforth promoted to Flossie's Flock for next Season.

In Flossie's Flock, Mr Anderson takes the Gold, Mayhem the Silver and CharlieF the Bronze.

Unfortunately there has to be losers in Flossie's Flock, and the following three players are relegated to Shaggy's Flock for next Season: Ahchay, blueberry and shteev

Congratulations and Commiserations accordingly.

Many thanks to all the players who took part this Season, I can't believe we've now had a total of 80 weeks of Lleague competition since we started. Amazing work!

Thanks also go to nitebycandlelite and Elizian for their admirable work in keeping the day to day running of the competitions under control.

9th April 2004
Robotron... and on... and on...

We are proud to present, in the Robotron 2084 (Arcade Machine) high-score table, gravy/Gazza/garg's first Million+ game of Robotron.

Well done chap! Nets you 1st place too. :)

4th April 2004
Season 7 Final Week

Yak has chosen Ancipital (Commodore 64) for the final week of Season 7.

We've started gathering game nominations for next Season over at YakYak