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Llama-Scores News Archive
October 2003 - December 2003

28th December 2003
It's Tight At The Top!

So we enter Week 7 of Season 6, and the top positions of both flocks are very close.

This week's game is Tube Panic.

There have also been updates to the Warblade high-score table now that the full version has been released (buy it, it's bloody excellent), and also the Mario Kare: Double Dash!! high-score table.

23rd December 2003

Deadeye is a game written by Llamasoft Lleague players, Fuseball and Sickboy, with graphical wizziness by our very own Bog.

A 15 level demo, has been released on the Way of the Rodent website, and high-score competition has ensued.

Check the high-score page for Deadeye for download links.

In other news, added a new entry from Ely to the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! :: Peach Beach high-score table.

21st December 2003
Manic Speccy

afroken23 makes a stonking entry to the Robotron 2084 high-score table and seizes 2nd place from Xstreme.

This week's Lleague game is the ZX Spectrum classic, Manic Miner.

14th December 2003
Halfway Mark

So Week 5 of the Season 6 arrives, and this week's game is Son Son (MAME) chosen by kojiro.

9th December 2003

A new entry to the Llamatron high-score table from korruptor, and improved scores from Lester M Fong and wowo.

7th December 2003

P.O.D. proved to be pretty unpopular this week unfortunately. Hopefully next week's game, Dead Connection, will go down better.

2nd December 2003
Karting Kontinues

Some entries for the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! high-score tables from afroken23.

30th November 2003
Season 6 :: Week 3

This week's game is P.O.D. - Proof Of Destruction on the Commodore 64.

Today also sees the update of the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! high-score table.

29th November 2003

New high-score entries from Atlas' Apprentice for Gridrunner++ (Arse On Fire Special Edition) and hairy_pete for Tempest 3000.

27th November 2003
Goodbye Flossie :(

Love and hugs to Yak on this saddest of days...

23rd November 2003
And They're Off!

The jostling for position has started, and the Week 2 game is Pengo.

16th November 2003
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more

So comes the start of a new season. First game up is Gun.Smoke.

There have also been new entries in the Tempest 3000 high-score table for neurochasm and Muttley.

15th November 2003
It's-a Mario

There has been some demand for it, so I've added a Time Trial High-Score table for Mario Kart: Double Dash!! as it seems pretty popular at the moment.

11th November 2003
Tupping Hell

Due to Krunk not having access to a PC for a few weeks and being unable to play, we've had to rethink the tupping process for next season.

The fact that the next candidate, moobaa, may not have time to play all next season complicates things, and therefore Ahchay will be promoted instead.

10th November 2003
Player Statistics

Added a Player Statistics page to the Lleague section. This is a simple way to keep track of your overall Lleague results over all seasons.

I will only be updating this after a Season has completed...

9th November 2003
Season 5 Completed

And so we come to the end of another season.

The results for Flossie's Flock are as follows: 1st - fflip, 2nd - Mr Anderson, 3rd - Mayhem.

The scores were so close that a medal count tie-breaker had to be used to seperate fflip and Mr Anderson. Good going. :)

Down in Shaggy's Flock the results were: 1st - Sickboy, 2nd - PaulEMoz, 3rd - Krunk.

Sickboy had been playing under an assumed name of Flynn as a little joke (he was supposed to be writing a book instead of playing this Season). Cheeky bugger! :)

The following people have been tupped in Shaggy's Flock, and therefore be in Flossie's next Season: Sickboy, PaulEMoz, Krunk, lightengine and kel.

Unfortunately the downside is that the following members of Flossie's Flock have been fleeced and are relegated to Shaggy's Flock for next season: SeattleStokie, SiKrAiKeN and Fox.

Congrats and commiserations respectively.

Llamasoft Lleague Season 6 will kick off on Sunday 16th November 2003.

3rd November 2003
Minor Correction

Fixed the Gridrunner++ (Arse On Fire Special Edition) high-score table to include a missed improvement by Jamesac

2nd November 2003
And now, the end is near...

Yak has chosen one of his classic Commodore 64 games, Sheep In Space, for the final week of Season 5.

We're currently collecting game nominations ready for the start of Season 6 in a couple of week's time.

There have been updates to the Ikaruga and Gridrunner++ (Arse On Fire Special Edition) high-score tables too.

26th October 2003
Rolling On

Llamasoft Lleague Week 9 game is Rolling Thunder. Another favourite of mine from back in the day.

Shame I'm crap at it really... ;)

22nd October 2003
Arse On Fire

Due to popular demand, a little competition on the Endurance Mode of Gridrunner ++ (Arse On Fire Special Edition) has been started, so I've added a score table for it.

In case you were wondering, the Arse On Fire version of Gridrunner++ was a version created by Yak for one of the Llamasoft Forum Jollies in London, where various Llamasofties helped create some rude-word sound effects for it.

After me everyone, "Minter you CUNT!" :)

19th October 2003
Week 8 Arrives

Week 8 of Llamasoft Lleague Season 5 is upon us, and this week's game is The Speed Rumbler (MAME).

We also welcome two new Lleagers in the form of blueberry and DocDaneeka. Nice to have you aboard. :)

16th October 2003
Score Updates

Ooops! everklear submitted a Gridrunner++ score almost 2 weeks ago, and I forgot to update the table. Sorry mate, it's done now.

12th October 2003
And The Lleague Goes On...

Section Z (MAME) is this week's game.

Also today, a belated update to the Olympic World Records, with Sickboy taking the Hammer Throw record from fflip.

7th October 2003
Updates Ahoy

Just a couple of score updates to Arkanoid - Revenge Of DOH and Bomb Jack.

6th October 2003

I've finally got the Llamasoft Lleague :: Llive! 1 :: Gallery up and running. Find it in the Events section.

There have been updates to the Ikaruga and Super Grid Runner high-score tables.

Hyper Sports and Track & Field high-score tables have also been added.

5th October 2003

Super Grid Runner turned out to be a bit more popular with people. It's a great little game that really rewards practice.

New Lleague participant, kel, made a strong entrance this week with a solid bronze medal position.

Wizball on the Commodore 64 is this week's game. One of my favourite games of all time...