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Llama-Scores News Archive
July 2003 - September 2003

28th September 2003

Bubbles turned out to be pretty unpopular, especially with Ahchay. Here's some of the more printable quotes: ;)

Ahchay - 'Fucking bubble', 'Why would anyone play this for enjoyment', 'I hate it', 'Who wrote this fucking game? I want their address'

moobaa - '...this game is really quite... something not "brilliant"'

lightengine - 'aaargh you cunting little bubble! Fuck off, roach git! Eat shit, cleaning lady! I need a mouth! I need a mouth! Shit...'

nitebycandlelite - 'I HATE THIS GAME'

toodwa - 'I don't use the word 'hate' often but it's almost being used for this game'

This week's game is on of Yak's oldies, Grid Runner on the Atari ST. Hopefully this will be a bit more popular. :)

There has also been an update to the Gridrunner++ high-score page, with KevG going straight in to 5th position.

21st September 2003
Bubbles In The Bath

New Lleague player Flynn makes a damn stylish entry with a monstrous Galaga score. Welcome mate. :)

Bubbles, a very odd game from Williams, is this week's Lleague game.

There have also been updates to the Warblade and Gridrunner++ high-score tables.

14th September 2003
Back From Back In Time

Bit tired tonight after having a long, but extremely enjoyable, weekend in Brighton for Back In Time Live 4. An awesome event, and the sight of Rob Hubbard, Ben Daglish, Mark Knight and Press Play On Tape on stage together was amazing. The version of the title music from Monty On The Run was incredible, and the nimble fingered Mark Knight pulled off the extremely hard violin solo at the end with, what appeard, ease. Unbe-fucking-lievable. :)

Anyway, back to the Lleague. The Stargate competition is completed, and now we move on to Galaga.

9th September 2003

Just a quick update to the Paradroid high-score table, with a new entry from Elk. He takes 5th place from moobaa and knocks TMK off the table.

7th September 2003
Miscellaneous Debris

nitebycandlelite has updated the Llamasoft Lleague FAQ to version 5.00. It can be found in the FAQ section (funnily enough). Now all of you go and thank nitebycandlelite and buy him a lemonade or something...

The Llamasoftie Summer Olympics has finished with Sickboy taking 1st place, fflip came 2nd, and PaulEMoz nabbed 3rd. Well done chaps.

Sickboy has something up his sleeve for later in the year to follow up the Summer Olympics. :)

In other news, Season 5 is now in full swing with both Flocks doing well. It's a shame that SiKrAiKeN, one of Flossie's Flock, failed to submit a score this week. Hopefully he'll leap back into the fray with this week's game: Stargate.

There have also been updates to the Robotron and Robot Bowl High-Score tables.

6th September 2003
Score Updates

A monstrous Warblade score from Guru-Meditation has been added.

Sickboy continues to dominate the Llamatron table, with A Black Falcon knocking Yak down to 5th place now on his own game!

A slightly improved score from Jimaroid has been added to the Ikaruga page too.

31st August 2003
Llamasoft Lleague Season 5

And so it begins again. With a slight difference though.

This season we have divided the players in two divisions (flocks). These are called Flossie's Flock and Shaggy's Flock. This will add promotion/relegation battles into the equation too, and should be a lot of fun.

The first game of Season 5 is a puzzler called Zenji on the Commodore 64.

29th August 2003
High-Score Updates

A few updates to the Ikaruga, Llamatron & Warblade high-score tables.

28th August 2003
One For everklear

Oi, everklear, that's your favouritist game ever that is! ;)

A high-score page for Robot Bowl has been added for everklear.

26th August 2003
Final Standings Correction

shimeril, honest chap that he is, pointed out to the Lleague Administrators (well, trained monkeys) that, due to what appears to be a bug in the file attachment mod for phpBB, we had erroneously given him 5 points in Week 7's game, Asteroids.

He, in fact, actually scored zero points.

The administrators have corrected this mistake and the updated, final and (hopefully) correct results are now up in the Lleague section.

Thanks to shimeril for pointing this out, even if it was at the expense of his only 5 points of the season. This is exactly the kind of honesty and fluffiness that keeps the Lleague running smoothly (bar administrative cock-ups). Thanks mate. :)

25th August 2003
The Season Has Ended

Llamasoft Lleague, Season 4, is now completed.

Congratulations to winner Sickboy who hammered home his 5th Lleague victory in a row. He's sitting out next season as he wants to dedicate more time to the novel he's writing, so that means someone else will get a chance at the top spot for a change. ;)

Newcomer, SiKrAiKeN, nabbed 2nd place, with Mayhem coming up close behind to take 3rd.

We had an amazing 27 players get on the scoreboard this season, and that doesn't include the people who take part but never quite manage to make the top 10 in any games.

For this reason, next season we are introducing 2 divisions to spice things up a bit.

This week we're playing Sickboy's choice of Robotron 2084, and then next week Llamasoft Lleague :: Season 5 will commence.

17th August 2003
Jedburgh You CUNT!!! ;)

He's done it! Jedburgh has trounced Jeff at his own game (Llamatron) with a stonking score. Well done mate.

Jeff has also decided that Week 10 of the Llamasoft Lleague, Season 4 will be Tinkle Pit. The IRC conversation when thusly:

<Muttley> Any thought on a game yet? It's just I'm sorting out ROMs for the Lleague right now. :)
<Yak> How about Tinkle Pit? That's kinda fluffy and light hearted :)
<Muttley> Cool. Never heard of that. :)
<Yak> I only played it for the furst time yestrday.
<Yak> It's Mr Do-y
<Yak> and the dragons out of Dig Dug are in it
<Yak> and little policemen
<Muttley> You oughta make us play some Llamasoft games occasionally too. ;)
<Yak> heh, last time I tried that Sickboy wussed out };-)

So that's told you Sickboy! ;)

16th August 2003
Gearing Up For Season 5

As the last week of Llamasoft Lleague Season 4 draws near, we're preparing for Season 5.

The list of games nominated for Season 5 are now up in the Lleague section.

10th August 2003

The weather's still shitty and it's too hot to type, so this week's game is Star Force. Go for it! ;)

9th August 2003
More High-Scores

A few updates for the following high-score tables: DoDonPachi, Ikaruga and Super Monkey Ball.

Last week's RetroVision 3.5 also gave rise to 4 new entries for the Tempest 3000 high-score table. Congrats to piku, nitebycandlelite, Louise and Jude.

3rd August 2003
RetroVision 3.5 - The Hangover

Or maybe not. I was rather too well behaved this time, and hence didn't spend hours wandering the streets of Oxford while attempting to sober up! ;)

The old Atari 800 classic River Raid chosen by lightengine is this week's game.

I'm also starting to gather game nominations for next season over the next two weeks. This time we're gonna do our damndest to make sure any unfortunate modem user can compete easily with some of the larger games...

I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome a few new players to the Lleague. They are Fox, Tepic & Kojiro. Welcome aboard! :)

27th July 2003
Floating Rocks

This week we had some great scores in for DoDonPachi, a stupidly hard game with uncountable amounts of bullets flying around.

We also had two new records set in the Llamasoftie Summer Ollympics.

Asteroids is this week's Lleague game. Evil, bad, naughty floating rocks... they will pay!!!! Mwahahahaha

26th July 2003
Random Drugs Test Leads To Disqualification

That naughty man Elizian has come clean to the fact that he'd been using performance enhancing drugs (OK, the Run Like Hell cheat key) unwittingly during the Olympic events.

He has therefore banned himself from the event and all points he had earned have been removed. The Current Standings table has now been updated to take this into account.

Next time, Elizian, if you have drugs.... please share them! ;)

25th July 2003
Table Updates

There have been updates to the Ikaruga, Super Monkey Ball and Llamatron high-score tables.

Also the Super Monkey Ball competition has now moved on to Advanced Mode.

20th July 2003
Japanese Shooty Goodness

Lots of stuff happening this week. We had two new World Records in the High Jump, one of them being mine */smug mode*.

We also had a good old dogfight in the Time Pilot competition, with some excellent scores being produced.

This week's Lleague Game is the mental Japanese shooter DoDonPachi, and the Summer Olympics has now progressed to the Hyper Sports events, starting with the Freestyle.

Get your water-wings on...

13th July 2003
Pilots In Time

Time Pilot is this week's game. I would write more, but I'm completely fucked and am going to bed... ;)

6th July 2003
Bosconian... Whatever That Means!

Everybody has finished Kung-Fu Fighting. Some stonking scores achieved in the end. We had an amazing 23 entrants into this weeks game! Well done everyone.

Bosconian is this weeks Lleague game, and we're on to the Hammer event in the Olympics.

4th July 2003
Independent Ball Control

Happy Independence Day to all our American friends!

Also, due to popular demand, a Super Monkey Ball high-score table has been added to the site.