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Llama-Scores News Archive
April 2003 - June 2003

30th June 2003
Cock-up Central

A few mistakes crept into yesterday's update. SeattleStokie's 3rd place Galaxian score somehow got missed, and KevG's Ikaruga. These have now been fixed.

Apologies for any confusion caused. The people responsible for making the mistake have been fired... ;)

29th June 2003
Kicking Booty

The Galaxian invaders have been repelled, but now it's time for some blokes in dodgy pyjamas to fight it out in International Karate+.

As previously mentioned, Archer Maclean has given me permission to have versions of his old 8-bit games available for download, so you can grab IK+ on the Lleague page.

The Javelin event of the Llama Olympics saw the existing world records smashed. Head over to the Special Events section for more details. This week it's time for the 110m Hurdles.

22nd June 2003
Shoot Them Aliens

New Lleague Member, SiKrAiKeN, caused an upset this week by keeping Sickboy off the top spot. There was a heated rally of scores and counter-scores as Sickboy rose to the challenge and tried to beat him off, but to no avail.

SiKrAiKeN is now declared the Domino King!!!

Anyway, this week's Lleague Game is the classic Galaxian.

On the Olympic front, PaulEMoz came in with a stonker of a length (fnarr! fnarr!, etc.). In fact all three of the existing World Record entries have been smashed.

On to the Javelin this week.

16th June 2003
Cubie Goodness

As requested, I've set up an Ikaruga high-score table for the GameCube version of the game.

16th June 2003
A Sad Day... But With Some Sunshine

Today I decided the remove all the ROM's that were available for download. The IDSA have been shutting down a lot of sites recently that had stuff available, and I don't want to suffer the same fate.

All Llamasoft games will still be available, as Jeff Minter has released all his old games as freeware for emulation purposes (top chap that he is).

I'm working on getting permission for some other games too! Watch this space....

UPDATE: I've just had an e-mail from Archer Maclean, creator of Dropzone, IK+, etc. He has given me permission to carry ROM images of his old games.

So a big thank you to Archer Maclean for supporting us retro-gamers. :)

15th June 2003
A New Season Starts!

Llamasoft Lleague - Season 4 starts tonight. The first game to be drawn out of the hat is Domino Man.

Good luck everyone, see you on the game grid.

It's also the 2nd week of the Llamasoft Olympics, and this week's even is the Long Jump from Track & Field.

12th June 2003
A Few Updates...

Today see's updates and new entries to the Bomb Jack, Donkey Kong, Lady Bug, Spheres Of Chaos, Tempest 3000 & Warblade high-score tables. Those Llamasofties have been busy!

I've also added a News Archive section for archival purposes. The plan is to only keep 3 months worth of news updates on the main page.

8th June 2003
2nd Llamasoft Retro-Olympics

Today see's the start of the 2nd Llamasoft Retro-Olympics. Head over to the Special Events section to find more details.

I'm currently gathering game nominations for the 4th Llamasoft Lleague which will start on 15th June 2003 (next Sunday).

1st June 2003
Llamasoft Lleague Season 3 - GAME OVER

Season 3 of the Llamasoft Lleague is over, and the final results are in.

Sickboy continues his reign, followed closely by fflip and Mayhem. I think people will have to look out for one CharlieF who has been submitting some fantastic scores and came a close 4th.

There's now a week off from serious competitive gaming, before the start of the Retro-Olympics - Summer Season on the 8th June.

Then the next Lleague Season will commence on the 15th June.

25th May 2003
What A Blast!

Phew, what a day yesterday was! The Llamasoft Lleague Llive! was an enormous success. Good mates, good food, good beer, and loads of excellent arcade machines on Free Play! What more could anyone ask for?

I think we ended up playing for about 7 hours straight! :)

Team Sickboy ended up winning the Team competition, and Fuseball was dominating in the Individual results.

We will have to repeat this event at some point (details when I have them)!

Back to the the normal Lleague.

It's the final week of Season 3 and therefore our furry friend, Yak, gets to choose the game.

This time he's decided on Space Duel in Linked Ship Mode. Let battle commence...

24th May 2003
It's Here At Last!

The Llamasoft Lleague Llive! event has finally arrived!

Later today we shall be locking horns over the real thing, with a choice of almost 100 classic arcade machines at RetroKade.

Ten games have been selected for the competition, and these are: Battlezone, Crystal Castles, Discs Of Tron, Galaga, Mad Planets, R-Type, Robotron, Sinistar, Star Wars & Tempest

21st May 2003
He's Been At It Again!

Yes, nitebycandlelite has furnished use with yet another of his astoundingly well-crafted emulation FAQ's. Head over to the FAQ section to learn about the finer points of SNES emulation.

18th May 2003
A Battle For 2nd Place

It's neck-and-neck in the Lleague at the moment, as fflip and Mayhem battle it out for 2nd place overall.

Meanwhile, this week's game is Tetris Attack on the SNES. This is the consoles first entry into the Lleague.

On another note, popular demand has... erm... demanded that we have a Mooovie section to host the top game recordings that have been submitted over time. This will consist of MAME recordings of astoundingly good game sessions, or even examples of amazing luck in the face of astronimical odds. I shall be gradually be filling this up during the next few weeks...

11th May 2003
Go Berzerk!!!!

Berzerk is this weeks game, after people strangely didn't go for the absolute classic that is Wizball for the Commodore 64. Philistines! ;)

4th May 2003
Commando & Conkers

Ah, I can almost smell those old school smells: Bleach, Vomit and "Almost Cabbage" from the school canteen. Not that I ever ate there mind, I was bunking off down the arcade playing Star Wars, and then picking up some chips before trying to sneak back into school before the end of lunch.

Anyway, I always hated Phoenix back in the day so I'm glad that's over. This week it's time for Commando, which I never played in the arcade, only the Commodore 64 version.

30th April 2003
The Buck Stops Here

Well, I'm back from Holland and have discovered that Phoenix is this week's game. Bugger! I hate it! :(

Check the Special Instructions for this game, as a certain bug exploit that furnishes the player with mucho points has been disallowed.

Spheres of Chaos, a rather nifty game by Iain McLeod, is currently taking the Llamasoft Forum by storm.

That being the case, I've added a High-Score table for it to the site, and am currently collecting scores for it over in.

25th April 2003
Dutch Interruptus

I'm off to Holland tomorrow for a few day's holiday, so nitebycandlelite will be handling my Lleague Duties on Sunday, and I shall be updating the score tables when I'm back.

23rd April 2003
Llamasoft Lleague FAQ Update

FAQmeister General, nitebycandlelite, has spruced up the Lleague FAQ. Head over to the FAQ page to see what's new...

20th April 2003
MAME Zooms Back Into The Fray

Congrats to CharlieF, who's second Silver Medal in a row shoots him from a dead start and into 4th place. Not bad for only having competed in 2 out of 5 Lleague games this season. A player to watch that's for sure! :)

This week's game is the arcade game Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom. Good luck everyone!

13th April 2003
(Mutant) Camel Abuse

Lunar Jetman results are in. Specific congratulations to CharlieF for his first Lleague medal.

This week's game is Attack of the Mutant Camels, a game where the idea is to shoot giant laser spitting camels up the arse....

10th April 2003
Llinks Ahoy

Finally got around to adding some content to the Links page!

nitebycandlelite has also added a MAME section to his Emulation FAQage.

6th April 2003
Pastfinder! Rose-tinted glasses syndrome?

Pastfinder was not a particularly popular game with some of the regulars...

"I find this game rather dull after last week's shooty goodness... I've just found myself losing interest and shutting the emulator mid-game." - Muttley

"I've just had a couple of games and a crap score; haven't felt like going back yet. But I will... Maybe." - gordon

"I guess this is just one of those games you "had to play as a kid" to enjoy." - Spydy

"I tried to play this a couple of times on Monday and I found myself sort of... drifting away. It's just so flat and boring. This is one of the least compelling games I've ever played." - Sickboy

Still, a few people enjoyed it... sick, twisted individuals that they must be! ;)

This weeks game is Lunar Jetman, which is the first Lleague showing of a ZX Spectrum game.

Some exiting news in today! The Llamasoft Lleague LLIVE! event is very nearly sorted. This will be a very special event held at RetroKade and will include Llive competitions on a selection of over 100 classic arcade machines! Head over to the Events section of this site for more details...

5th April 2003
Emulation FAQ update

nitebycandlelite (top chap that he is) has come up with the FAQ goods again, with guides for Atari800 and Commodore 64 emulation. These have now been added to the FAQ pages.